Monday, September 06, 2021

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Open 24

OPEN 24: This was done in Illustrator. I love work with this piece of software. This was a poster to inform all that the location was open 24 hours for exams.

Fresh Grill

THE FRESH GRILL: These were created using Illustrator, photos from the net. These were done with guidelines of the client already in place (the header).

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mother's Day Flyer

MOTHER'S DAY FLYER: This job was done entirely in Illustrator. This was just for a posting in store to inform her clients about her new promotion. This was just a cute, fun job.

Monday, January 29, 2007


SNOWBOARDS: This project I started in School. So since it's that time of year. I thought why not finish it. So here they are my snownboards

Calendar Covers 2007

CALENDAR COVERS: These are the covers I did for the Calendars I printed.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Calendar 2007

CALENDER 2007 : This is a project I did for my nephew. This is to help him with french. This job was done using Photoshop, Illustrator and Quark express. All the images are from different websites. I gathered images of the TV shows and or super heros he loves. In this case "the client" LOVES IT a lot. His very first personal calendar.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


This was an email I sent out to all of my classmates. This was just so that we could get together and talk about the good old days.

Cell phone box

CELL PHONE BOX: This project was done using Photoshop and Illustrator. This a in CMYK. The job was to create a cell box for a cell phone of your choice. Only the box outline and logos were provided. Everything else was all up to us.

Christmas Poster 2006

This is this years poster for Chartwells (the company I work for). This Job was done in CMYK. Everything was done using Photoshop and Illustrator. This was a fun and great project to do. I enjoyed doing it.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hot Air Ballon Poster

BALLON POSTER: This job required us to use gradiants. It's in CMYK. The job was to create a poster using the elements (text, images, size) provided. This was done using only Illustrator. This poster was a bit of a challange. I used bright colors so that it would stand out from the rest. This poster was overall a good one.